We will design each piece especially to your wishes and needs – after listening carefully to your ideas and dreams. Feel free to ask us right away!
We love our Customers – and take our art very seriously over love and dedication <3
We do have 15+ years of Tattooing experience 😉
Outstanding precision through crisp Lines and rich colors is our highest goal. Also, we´ll be here for you during the whole healing process. Our Team is highly trained and professionally educated. Piecing and Tattooing is an art-form not to be learned in some couple of month.
Price-Guide: Die Timeline zu deinem Tattoopreis
Die am häufigsten gestellte Frage bei uns ist definitiv “Wie viel wird das denn circa kosten?” … und das zu fragen ist natürlich total verständlich! In diesem Blogpost wollen wir euch eine kleine Einführung in die Welt der Tattoopreise geben und euch damit eine Orientierungshilfe schaffen.
How to find the right tattoo design?
Many people described the fact that they would like to get tattooed but just cannot find the right idea. If you know this problem, here are a few tipps and a step-by-step guide on how to come up with an idea without regrets after getting it tattooed.
Tattoo Placements and their risks
Usually your artist of trust is going to explain to you which placements suit your tattoo idea.It is super important to listen to your artist, and trust the expert:He or she has the experience to see where the tattoo fits best, moves with the body and heals properly.